Arts (Civics, History, Geography)

A wonder of how life is meaningless without realizing the society where we live. Civics, History and Geography catch our glimpse in critical thinking and analysis comprehending that we make history living in a geographical environment. Thus we have to make our environment livable to create a meaningful life where history is performed. History and Geography are daily realities that make us to look critically to issues of life and an interpret the events in our environment and in our life in a deeper judgment.

The members of the department
- educate students to expand their understanding, social adequacy, physical development, aesthetic appreciation and cultural valued environment
- assist students in their learning by giving assignments, examinations, case studies and study tours

Other Departments


Biology, Chemistry, Physics


Basic Mthematics


English, Kiswahili


Civics, History, Geography


Commerce, Book keeping


Computer Studies


Religious studies/values


School Library

Want to join Us?

We welcome students of all classes, both gender and of all religions,