St Gaspar Pre and Primary School Departments

The school has different departments. Each has a Head of Department (HoD). Together with the subjects teachers of his/her department he/she finds out strategies and method of the teaching process to make the teaching effective and students centered. He verifies that;
- the teachers of his/her department complete on time the syllabus and make revisions.
- the ability of teachers to make themselves understood by the students.
- the Library has books enough related to his/her department.
- experts are invited to talk to teachers and students about subjects related to their department.
- He creates subjects clubs for students to develop the understanding of what they are taught.
- Monthly he gives report about syllabus completion and information of students who need counseling

  • Mathematics


Basic mathematics

  • Science


Biology, Chemistry, Physicst

  • language


Kiswahili, English

  • Arts


Civics, History, Geography

  • Business


Commerce, Book keeping

  • Computer
  • Religion

Religion Studies

Religious studies/values

  • Library


School Library

Want to join Us?

We welcome students of all classes, both gender and of all religions,